Luxor derivatives

Trade Hashrate Forward Contracts with Luxor

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What type of Forwards do we offer

Non-Deliverable Forward (NDF)

In a non-deliverable, cash-settled forward contract, the difference between the fixed price in the contract and the settlement value of the underlying commodity is paid in cash from one party to the other.

This is a good instrument for miners looking to hedge, traders looking for exposure to hashrate and more.

Deliverable Forward (DF)

In a physically deliverable contract, one party agrees to buy a commodity on a future date, at a fixed price. The other party agrees to deliver that commodity or asset at the fixed price and date.

This is a good instrument for miners looking to hedge and finance, traders looking for exposure to hashrate and get a return on proving capital upfront.

New Ways to Buy Hashrate

  • Physically DeliveredYou want to purchase hashrate and have it delivered to your Luxor Mining Pool Account
  • Return on BitcoinYou are looking to gain a return on your bitcoin holdings
  • Long ExposureYou want exposure to Bitcoin price, transaction fees, network difficulty, and difficulty

New Ways to Sell Hashrate

  • Locked-in RevenueYou are looking to lock in your hashprice-based revenue
  • Upfront CapitalYou are looking to leverage existing hashrate to obtain upfront capital for existing operations or future growth
  • Short ExposureYou want short exposure to Bitcoin price, transaction fees, and difficulty


How to start using Luxor Derivatives

  • Sign Luxor's ISDA AgreementsThe Luxor Derivatives team will furnish you with our ISDA Agreements for your review, comments, and execution.
  • Create a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)Create your Legal Entity Identifier and provide it to the Luxor Derivatives team
  • Create a Luxor Derivatives AccountUse our Sign Up to create your own Luxor Derivatives account

If you need more details, please feel free to check our dedicated onboarding page or contact our Derivatives Team

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Everything you need to know about Luxor's Derivatives platform



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