How to start using Luxor Derivatives ?

Step 1

Sign Luxor's ISDA Agreements

There are two ways to proceed with signing Luxor’s ISDA Agreements. This step can be skipped if you do not plan to trade Luxor’s Cash-Settled Forwards.

  1. Reach out to a member of the Luxor Derivatives team and provide the information below. We will then pre-fill the forms and send them to you for execution via Docusign:
    • Signee name
    • Title of Signee
    • Legal Entity Name
    • Address
    • Telephone
    • Tax Representation (Example: It is a <Country> <entity type> duly organized and incorporated under the laws of <State/Province/Country>
  2. Reach out to a member of the Luxor Derivatives team and request Word copies of the ISDA Agreements for review, comment, and execution.
Luxor Derivatives by Luxor Mining

Step 2

Create a Luxor Derivatives Account

To onboard onto the Luxor Derivatives account, please follow instructions on the registration page. Registration Page

Luxor Derivatives by Luxor Mining

Step 3

Create a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)

Once we have received signed versions of the documents above, we will require a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), and then you can start placing trades with Luxor.

If you do not have an LEI you can easily acquire one here.

If you already have an LEI , simply enter the number in the Settings section of your account.

Luxor Derivatives by Luxor Mining

Frequently Asked Questions

Some frequently asked questions about Luxor Mining Pool

Mining Pool

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